Jaimee Campanella: Harnessing Time Power™ for Work-Life Harmony

Written by Heather Anderson

Jaimee Campanella knows what it's like to chase the clock in a career that demands all and then some. After reaching her own limit, she hit pause and crafted Time Power™, a game-changer for those of us trying to juggle it all. It's Jaimee's answer to the endless work-life balancing act, offering a fresh way to look at time—as an ally, not an obstacle. Her approach is about syncing professional goals with personal priorities in a straightforward, relatable way. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like there’s just never enough time in your day, Jaimee can help you discover how to make your schedule work for you, ensuring there's always time for the things that truly count.

So, Jaimee, jumping back to the start, can you share your journey before launching your own business? What roles and experiences shaped your career?

Over my 20-year career, I have gravitated to roles where I can refine my problem-solving and efficiency skills in a variety of contexts. I have worked in systematization and event planning for international nonprofits, small businesses and large corporations. I have found each context equally challenging and rewarding. I discovered I was inspired by and slightly obsessed with organization, efficiency, and large-scale, systematic execution. 

 That's quite a varied and intense background. What prompted the shift to entrepreneurship?

Initially I didn’t set out to start a business, it happened very organically. At that point in my life, I was the full time care-giver for my two boys when one of my former colleagues reached out to see if I could help them with a project.  Our work was so transformational for them that they asked me to support them on other projects and began referring me to other small business owners. Then covid lockdowns hit and suddenly my new clients were managing their business and families from home and they all wanted my support full time so I started a virtual services agency and it grew from just me to a team of 18 within three months. It was a classic case of 'be careful what you wish for.' I thought I'd be easing my workload, but instead, I found myself in a different kind of stress whirlwind. I was 'crushing it' business-wise, but personally, I was nearing a breaking point. It was an eye-opener about the realities of entrepreneurship and led me to a massive burnout – a wakeup call that I needed to rethink how I managed my time and priorities. 

Ahh - I get it, and I see exactly where this is leading! But before we turn this epiphany into what launched your current business. I’ve just got to say wow, applaud you, and mention that scaling a team from zero to eighteen in three months is no small feat. How did you manage that?

It was a challenge, indeed. I leveraged professional networks, reaching out to friends and family for support. My business became a one-stop solution for any problem, whether personal or professional. 

With such rapid growth, what were some of the key challenges you faced, especially with your team?

Oh, where to begin? The expansion happened so fast, it was like learning to fly a plane while already in the air! The biggest hurdle was definitely keeping our quality up as the team grew. I had these high standards, but not everyone was on the same page, which really taught me about the importance of making sure the team's skills matched our goals. But more than anything, this whole whirlwind made me realize how crucial it is to balance work and life. It's not just about business success, it's about staying sane and enjoying the journey too.

So now you’re running this explosively successful services business, but you’re starting to have an awakening about time - and your own out-of-whack work-life balance. I know you had one of those pivotal ‘moments’ where it all sort of clicks. Can you share about that? 

Definitely. While my business and family were growing, I was constantly battling time. I found myself working late, taking calls while with my kids, and neglecting self-care. 

I get it. That’s such a common struggle for entrepreneurs with families.

Exactly. And the thing was, being the breadwinner was intoxicating. I was earning well, but I had lost sight of my original purpose – to be present with my kids. There was a moment during bedtime with my son when I realized how un-present I was. I was mentally drafting a proposal while reading him a story, and when he asked a question about it, I realized I hadn’t been paying attention at all. It was a wake-up call – I needed to be present, not just physically, but mentally too.

That's such a powerful realization - and I totally relate.

It was. And what struck me was that my clients were expressing similar concerns. They were tired, busy, and felt disconnected from their families. I was providing them with external solutions like systems and delegation, but it felt like Band-Aids. I wasn’t addressing the deeper issue – our relationship with time. I realized we all needed a fundamental mindset shift.

How would you describe that shift? 

My initial mindset saw time as an adversary, always feeling there wasn't enough. But after recognizing that I was playing the victim, I shifted to seeing time as an ally. This change in perspective was the foundation of the Time Power program. It's about taking control and responsibility, transforming how we perceive and use our time. I needed to shift from complaining about being busy and feeling time was slipping away to actually being present and making the most of it.

I often feel the same way, like time is just rushing past me.

Right, it's another way of feeling out of control. Like time is slipping away and you can't slow it down. I realized that no amount of time management tools would help unless I changed my perspective. And I knew if I could truly solve this struggle for myself, I could have a much greater impact on my clients. That’s why I paused the agency work to spend six months just developing this program, living it, and understanding it before I could teach it to others.

Could you summarize for our readers how one can begin to change their relationship with time? Obviously, it's a comprehensive program, but what's the gist?

At its core, it's about changing how you speak about, relate to, and enjoy your time. It's about being present and making conscious choices with your time. Most of us are on autopilot, reacting to what life throws at us. The key is to step off that treadmill.

That's interesting. So simple and true - yet so hard to actually pull off. It reminds me of Jadah Sellner's book, She Builds, about thriving outside the hustle culture, where success is defined on your own terms.

That's right. In Time Power, we start by reshaping your perspective on time, but it goes beyond that. It’s about defining your dream vision. We conduct a thorough life audit to ensure your actions reflect your life’s true ambitions. After we have that foundation, we can then incorporate practical elements like structured organization and strategic delegation. 

I feel that on a personal level, having performed my own DIY life audit on myself and my priorities last year.

I was clear that my top priority was completing a musical memoir project I’d begun in 2004, yet when I examined my day-to-day activities, I hadn’t actually worked on it in four years!

It’s so easy to slip and suddenly realize that you’re not at all focused on what you think are your own top objectives! 

Absolutely. That’s what I see happening with most of the people who reach out to work with me! 

So, speaking of this mystical work-life balance, what is a typical day like for you in your current business setup?

My day is structured yet flexible, beginning with untouchable family time, followed by personal and business blocks. I adapt my schedule based on seasons and priorities, ensuring a balance between work, family, and self-care. Fridays are reserved for self-care, while Mondays are for strategic internal work. This structure helps me stay focused and present in each aspect of my life.

Love it. It sounds so similar to how I’ve aimed to structure my weeks as well - the strategy on Mondays and self care focus on Fridays! Some months are glorious, but I’m definitely guilty of slipping and booking work over my self care Fridays often! 

In terms of your achievements, what stands out as your proudest moment in your business?

Creating the Time Power program is undoubtedly my proudest achievement. It not only transformed my life but has also positively impacted other women and mothers. It's fulfilling to see tangible results, like one of my clients who achieved a 60% revenue increase while improving her personal life significantly.

Ahhh dreamy! I bet! Looking at the present and the future, what's your focus now? Who are you looking to help, and what are you working on?

Currently, I'm excited about making Time Power accessible to a broader audience through my online course, 'Treasure Your Time.' I'm also focusing on speaking engagements to spread these principles further. While my one-on-one coaching remains exclusive, I'm exploring various avenues to share these transformative ideas more widely.

I love the idea of making the principles more accessible to all. On that note, can you tell us about your family calendar product? It sounds like a unique tool.

Sure! My Family Calendar product is a passion project of mine. It's a jumbo-sized Dry Erase calendar I created for my family to have a large, visual tool for planning and time management. It's more than an organizer; it fosters family communication and involvement, making daily life more engaging and fun. It's a tool that I find invaluable in bringing the family together to discuss and engage with each other's schedules and plans.

That sounds like a wonderful tool for families to not just plan but also connect. 

That’s absolutely it. Re-shaping our lives as heads of families takes a holistic approach. You can’t just make changes in a silo, and involving the whole family allows for big-picture transformation. Wishing all families a peaceful, balanced, year of connection and success - whatever that means for each unique household.

If you’d like to start feeling like you have all the time:

Connect with Jaimee Campenalla on Instagram or Facebook.

You can also find her on The M List, The Mamahood’s searchable database of mom-recommended resources, or connect and collaborate with Jaimee in The Club for women Founders.

Heather Anderson