Hormone-Free Birth Control with Natural Cycles

Written by Heather Anderson

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A Personal Switch to Natural Birth Control

Once upon a time, I tried the birth control pill. Seemed like a delightful idea. Until my boyfriend pointed out that I hadn’t always referenced my own death so frequently.

After he pointed it out, it dawned on me that I had actually begun picturing my corpose in a coffin quite often while toiling away in my daytime bank cubicle. It was so subtle, the effect on my brain was a slow creep. But as soon as I stopped taking the little blue pills from the little pink case, I felt like myself again.

This is to say, I've experienced firsthand the impact of hormonal contraceptives on mental health.

Despite suggestions to experiment with different types or adjust dosages, I decided full stop that I preferred a non-invasive method and skipped down the path of natural family planning.

I started by reading the incredibly eye-opening and foundational book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility - something I think should be a standard text book in schools!

It taught me to intimately understand and work with my cycle for birth control. This worked for me for years with no trouble. It worked so well, I became paranoid that maybe it wasn’t working at all and I was simply infertile.

But later, when I was ready to start making a baby, I used the exact same methods to flip the script!

Using nothing other than body temperature and my own body’s signs, I conceived three babies in quick succession. Since my youngest is now 9, you can do the math and see that I have been out of the game for a while - and that my journey predates the innovative solutions available today, making the discovery of  Natural Cycles especially exciting for me.

The app not only pioneers in this space but also simplifies and modernizes an age-old practice, proving that empowering, hormone-free birth control is accessible to all. - Heather Anderson

Discover the revolutionary, FDA-approved, hormone-free birth control method that's empowering women's health choices. #NaturalCycles #HormoneFree #RevolutionaryBirthControl #FDAApproved #EmpowerYourHealth

  • Download the Natural Cycles app and create an account.

  • Learn about fertility tracking methods and use them effectively.

  • Record your daily basal body temperature with the app's thermometer and input relevant data like menstrual cycles and ovulation symptoms.

Why Natural Cycles is a Game-Changer

In an era increasingly drawn towards natural health alternatives, Natural Cycles stands out as a pioneering hormone-free birth control app. Recognized by the FDA, it's changing the landscape of reproductive health management, offering a reliable, non-invasive choice away from traditional hormone-based contraceptives.

The Power of Simplicity and Science

Natural Cycles simplifies understanding fertility. By tracking basal body temperature and menstrual cycles, it provides accurate fertility predictions. This empowers users to either plan or prevent pregnancy naturally, aligning decisions with personal health values. Clinical studies validate its effectiveness, boasting a 98% success rate with perfect use, rivaling hormonal counterparts but without the side effects.

The Empowering Choice of Going Hormone-Free

Choosing Natural Cycles means sidestepping the adverse effects associated with hormonal contraceptives, such as mood swings or weight gain. The Mamahood champions this hormone-free path not only for its health benefits but for the autonomy it grants women over their bodies. This choice supports a holistic approach to health, respecting the body's natural rhythms.

Join the Millions Embracing Natural Cycles

Millions worldwide trust Natural Cycles for its science-backed, user-centric approach to birth control. The app's ease of use, coupled with insightful personal health analytics, underscores a modern, effective contraceptive choice. The Mamahood invites you to join this empowered community, experiencing the benefits of informed, hormone-free birth control.


Natural Cycles heralds a new dawn in contraception, emphasizing bodily autonomy and informed health decisions. Farewell to synthetic hormones, and welcome to a future where control and freedom go hand in hand. Embrace this shift with Natural Cycles, and join a movement towards a healthier, hormone-free lifestyle.


Download the Natural Cycles app today and take the first step towards a hormone-free birth control method that respects your body and your choices. Use code MAMAHOOD for a 15% savings on your subscription. Discover the difference it can make in your life and how it empowers you to take control of your health and fertility. 

Natural Cycles can also be found on The M List, the Mamahood’s database of resources recommended by our mom community. 

Connect with Natural Cycles on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok.

Heather Anderson